Wednesday, January 28, 2009

out of the hospital

wooo hooo!! Bryan is on his way...back to AZ. He is out of the hospital and sounding better than ever. He has to do a follow up appt in San Diego on Monday and then on his way home.

Monday, January 26, 2009

monday 1 /28 9am

monday 1/28 900 AMHis pain is controlled. He up and showering. Walking well. Dr is coming in this morning, possible he gets discharged today or tomorrow.

1/22 7pm

He is up and walking a little bit. He is mostly sleeping, not much visiting. They pretty much have his pain controled. Color looks good. He will have an Ultrasound of heart (not sure if today) to see how the heart is looking
so they can determine whether he needs to continue blood thinners. He has chest tube draining his chest, they will hopefully remove soon.
They originally said he would recover a week and go home, this is day 2..he has to follow what they want him to do and he will make that deadline.

1/22 200pm

1/22 2:00 PM
So sorry guys we had no access to computer...
He is up and walking a little bit. He is mostly sleeping, not much visiting. They pretty much have his pain controled. Color looks good. He will have an Ultrasound of heart (not sure if today or tomorrow?) to see how the heart is looking
so they can determine whether he needs to continue blood thinners. He has chest tube draining his chest, they will hopefully remove soon.
They originally said he would recover a week and go home, this is day 2..he has to follow what they want him to do and he will make that deadline.

1/20 966pm

1/20/09 9:66 pm
we got to see him late last night. He is talking. Joking as much as he can. Not moving much. He is still sedated. They will get him up to walk today though.

1/20 712 pm

1/20/09 7:12 PM
He is out of surgery. Doctor says that the heart looks strong. Right now they are weaning him off the ventilator.
He is sedated. He is awake and is answering questions (by nodding)His color looks REALLY REALLY good.
As they wean him they need to make sure the heart continues on the current path with no bleeding.
They hope to have him off the ventilator by 10-11 PM tonight. normal brain function is now our question... He is not
out of the woods yet...but we have jumped the biggest hurdle

1/20 1118 am

1/20 11:18 THey just took bryan in to surgery. 4-6 hours long. Will update as we know more. Thanks for the prayers